The Use of Phonetic Technique in Memorizing Vocabulary

(This article was truly made by this blog owner in the time of he still worked in one of English institutions at Graha Pena, Makassar)

Vocabulary is one of speaking components. We cannot catch what others talk about without it. Most English learners do not want to speak for the reason of lack of vocabulary. As a matter of fact, we can increase our vocabulary through speaking. The problem appearing next is how to keep it in our mind. Rarely in the world can people maintain their vocabulary. For these reasons, I would like to share with you all what I have got in my experience of maintaining vocabulary. Continue reading

Communicative Practices: A Research Paper

Writing is a kind of activity which shares ideas or in formations by linking a word by word; sentence by sentence; or even paragraph by paragraph. Writing activity does not need special skill because everyone can write. But a good writer needs special skill such as the structure of writing, words or terms acquisition, and ideas of course.

A Research Paper is a type of academic writing that needs more theoretical, significant and methodical level of inquiry. A research paper could be in thesis, dissertation, or book report. Continue reading

What is the Business Letter Format?

Business English

Business English

The format of business letters has slowly changed over time with the culture of business getting less and less formal.

Here are the components of a traditional full block business letters — shown in picture form and with explanations.

The format shown here is just a guide — variations and customizations are common — and not all elements are needed in every type of letter such as job application cover letters or thank-you letters. Continue reading

Adverbials of Duration ALREADY? NOT YET!




This word suggests that something happened earlier than expected. For example:

He’s here. (No emphasis)

He’s already here. (Sooner than expected)

Not Yet

Not yet is the opposite of already. It indicates that something did not happen but is or was expected to happen later. For example: Continue reading